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Microsoft Dataverse: building and application to manage ISO 9001

Redcom Cibernético


For the last years, we have managed the ISO 9001 requirements using excel sheets, word documents, emails and so on. It was OK. We got all the information that ISO 9001 requested but it meant a lot of time consuming.

So we realize that it was not worth it to spend so much time doing every year the same. How? Building an application that keeps track of everything that ISO 9001 requires.

Solution: PowerApps

After reviewing several options, we decided to go with Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft PowerPlatform. In a few weeks, we built an application under Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft PowerApps that keeps all the information that ISO 9001 requires: suppliers, improvement actions, infrastructure, objectives for the next year, KPI, attach documentation, reports.... and we were able to connect our database to external sources.

Mission acomplished

Finally we got it working and on time for our first milestone: auditing team. We review with the team all topics and we got their approval. In one day, all documentation, KPI, objectives were validated. Before we develop this application using Microsoft Dataverse, all that paperwork took us one week.

Display data using blank app based on Dataverse

We were able to display the SWOT/DAFO matrix in a few seconds.

Next steps

After this quick successs, we decide to build different applications in order to minimaze the time BackOffice spends managing equipment, timetables, shifts, human resources, vacations, expenses... But this other applications deserve a post.

Conclusion with Microsoft Dataverse: fast and reliable

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